Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Letter to Rob Ford

People, those of you who support downtown agendas or think the
public should spend money on arts and culture, please take one moment
and consider history. Every great civilization of the past has fallen
from within due to certain forms of overspending on cities, their
culture and buildings therein. Every great civilization that has spanned
a continent has failed due to over-taxation of the working class and
farmers. Don’t take my word for it read some global history, I would
recommend for starters, Chris Harman, A peoples history of the world. I
know it’s nice to have opera houses, bike lanes and arts endowments but
the truth is that none of that keeps us going economically, what does
keep us going is cheap and abundant food and plenty of gainful
employment. Thanks Rob Ford for getting started with this work, I would
invite you to read the book as well, if we don’t know our history we
will most certainly repeat it, lets try to repeat the good parts only.