Why are three of the planets in our solar system dead?
Venus and Mars once had habitable climates and a planetary cousin. Today venus is overheated while mars has cooled and the mysterious fifth planet is a ring of debris and captured moons. The map of our solar system reads like a devastated battlefiald. If our people are truly the only survivors we may have something to answer for, if not then we're in big trouble.
The solar system offers a myriad of places for people with spacefaring abilities to grow a civilization. With earth as a farm and hunting ground, asteroids for easily segregated minerals and moons full of water and hydrocarbons someone who could move about might live almost anywhere. The last place a spacefaring culture would call a permanent base would be a planet. Planets are immobile and ultimately undefendable, not to mention the added expense of fielding and maintaining land equipment, machinery and forces. In a word it would require domination, when in space that is already achieved. It would be much easier to maintain a covert presence and control the populace using it's own systems.
Wealth is the gateway to earthly power and a spacefarer would have acess to resources, power and technology beyond that of the planetarian. Wealthy non-celebrities are also, typically, the most inaccesable of folks, any attempt to see, speak with or photograph them could easily be seen as espionage for nefarious purpose. In fact a spacefarer could lead a comfortable, shielded life here provided no-one found out what he is. If there were many of them they would co-operate with one another until they held the control positions that are important to them.
Militaries are harmless to them so long as they are air, land and sea surface based. Technological achievements beyond this comfort zone would have to be curtailed to alleviate the need for genocides. As long as we can't get to them or carry out space warfare we are allowed to live but once we can an ice-age or flood are sure to be imminent.
With the level of technology and ability reported by pilots and trained observers we can easily imagine them occupying any part of the solar system, even the ground beneath our feet and the water beneath our submarines.
Their secretiveness, an evidence of their power, is carefully protected by our own institutions, although this does not mean there is collusion.
In the area of resource and industry they would want the unaccountable positions, the kind that could aquire colonial size shipments under their own oversight.
The enemy is already here, the enemy is within, they are the ones disarming and diseasing you, they pollute the bodies and minds of your children that they might die sooner.
The new Racism.
I will hate those that are alien to my planet. I will not give them succor nor aid but will wrench every advantage from their living or dead bodies. I will fight them to my last breath and if my soul go-on I will fight them still.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
On War while on recreational adulterants
War is clear evidence of political failure. If the worls had shown political skill and unitedly denounced Hitlers aggression war would have come to an early end. I won't go into America's support and Praise (yes with a capital) of Hitler at this time. Could not have intelligent politicians,seeing Germany's economic condition and hearing Nazi dogma(eugenics), foreseen and forestalled any and all aggression. Do we need war? Can we stop wars? A coalition of socially responsible,antiwar (economic and physical) sovereign states (hopefully a growing club) might provide the pressure that forces aggressive governments to seek alternative political solutions. Then the same coalition could offer to aid with those solutions. If succesful the formerly aggressive country would be encouraged to support or join the coalition. Could the same be done with a one world government or would they always seem to be imposing and repressing. People unhappy with a system can vote in new leaders. Since this rarely changes a system some of these people may still be unhappy.most will do nothing (grumble), some will become dissidents (trouble) but many will just move to another country and system (no trouble). Without the safety valve of emigration for change anger and grumbling will prove to be a growing and contagious disease. Should this disenchanted population lack political skill civil world war would result providing us with a new series of historical acronyms, CWWI, CWWII etc
ignore this text I'm obviously well into my cups and unintelligible
War is clear evidence of political failure. If the worls had shown political skill and unitedly denounced Hitlers aggression war would have come to an early end. I won't go into America's support and Praise (yes with a capital) of Hitler at this time. Could not have intelligent politicians,seeing Germany's economic condition and hearing Nazi dogma(eugenics), foreseen and forestalled any and all aggression. Do we need war? Can we stop wars? A coalition of socially responsible,antiwar (economic and physical) sovereign states (hopefully a growing club) might provide the pressure that forces aggressive governments to seek alternative political solutions. Then the same coalition could offer to aid with those solutions. If succesful the formerly aggressive country would be encouraged to support or join the coalition. Could the same be done with a one world government or would they always seem to be imposing and repressing. People unhappy with a system can vote in new leaders. Since this rarely changes a system some of these people may still be unhappy.most will do nothing (grumble), some will become dissidents (trouble) but many will just move to another country and system (no trouble). Without the safety valve of emigration for change anger and grumbling will prove to be a growing and contagious disease. Should this disenchanted population lack political skill civil world war would result providing us with a new series of historical acronyms, CWWI, CWWII etc
ignore this text I'm obviously well into my cups and unintelligible
The Etobicoke proposal
Put an end to racial and social inequality with The Etobicoke Proposal
There was once a belief that some were born to greatness while others (most) were destined to toil and each according to the station of his birth. Men were violently discouraged from rising above the rank of their fathers. If your father was a miner you would be required to mine, if you were unwilling or unable to do your job you might be able to look for work below your station but not above. The ruling classes considered themselves genetically superior to those they ruled, this developed into a science called Eugenics. Eugenics claimed that the poor could do nothng but breed more children destined to poverty and that, like their parents, they could not achieve a better life because they lacked the mental capacity to succeed. This theory was embraced by the upper classes in Europe and North America and was the moral basis for conquering and occupying many African countries. These beliefs have been with us for ages and have guided the elite and powerful to restrict and control their bloodlines, to this very day, in the belief that they are somehow physically and mentally superior to you and me. This belief must now end, all men must be empowered to an equal level of influence over the government regardless of wealth or or social status. Only then will all men and women truly be equal, when all are leaders, when the masses rise above the station of follower.
There was once a belief that some were born to greatness while others (most) were destined to toil and each according to the station of his birth. Men were violently discouraged from rising above the rank of their fathers. If your father was a miner you would be required to mine, if you were unwilling or unable to do your job you might be able to look for work below your station but not above. The ruling classes considered themselves genetically superior to those they ruled, this developed into a science called Eugenics. Eugenics claimed that the poor could do nothng but breed more children destined to poverty and that, like their parents, they could not achieve a better life because they lacked the mental capacity to succeed. This theory was embraced by the upper classes in Europe and North America and was the moral basis for conquering and occupying many African countries. These beliefs have been with us for ages and have guided the elite and powerful to restrict and control their bloodlines, to this very day, in the belief that they are somehow physically and mentally superior to you and me. This belief must now end, all men must be empowered to an equal level of influence over the government regardless of wealth or or social status. Only then will all men and women truly be equal, when all are leaders, when the masses rise above the station of follower.
Overthrow the Government
The Etobicoke Proposal
People live within the social structures that they are prepared for. Despots rule where people are unable or unwilling to strive for more representational forms of government. Here in Canada we have achieved the level of social state with capitalist values, should we now rest on our laurels, waiting for the US, Russia and third world countries to catch up, or should we forge ahead as our nature, nurture and abilities dictate? If we do naught then we must admit to being at our peak or in utter stagnation. The latter must be true because everything under the sun can be improved on, ad-infinitum. So, if improvement is our destiny then how can we improve on our present government? A good way to start might be to list what we don't like about our current government then try to solve each item on our list either individually or in groups of items. One thing that a government must do, every government MUST do with continually greater efficiency, is represent it's people! That's what it's all about, and if we continue to strive we must eventually have true democracy where every citizens thoughts carry equal weight and all aspects of government and society are ratified by the populace. This will remain true to the extent and duration to which we involve ourselves in the governing of out country. Thus, you get the government you deserve and I think we deserve better. What don’t we like about government? Politics and politicians. Most of our disapproval can be laid squarely on the backs of the people who ' work' as politicians. Thos maneuvering peacocks and jackdaws who are better suited to their political popularity contests than the complex requirements of their office. I want my finance minister to have degrees in economics, to be a whiz at math and be able to think outside the box, but first he has to look good. This same potential finance minister will also need a stage presence, good diction, a clean bright smile, a firm handshake, the right connections and a long affiliation with a political party. If this same guy keeps his head down and toes the party line for a couple of terms he might be in a political position to make a difference. It's no wonder that government is filled with people who are good at politicking and rather short of people with governing skills. The researchers, mathematicians, economists and humanists in our midst have much more rewarding things to do with their lives than get involved in politics. They may all have great ideas that we might have benefited from, they may have truly wanted to help govern and change things, but they are unwilling to lose their lives to the miasma of politics. One kind of person seems to move easily through politics continually reaching the top and taking a disproportionate number of important positions, often the most important positions. Thus we get a government slanted in the favour of this personality, a government that reflects, nay, has the character of this personality that is predominant in its members. The fast talking, witty, aggressive smart-ass businessman/lawyer that could sell a vacuum to a man with a dirt floor is what politicians are or strive to be, with few exceptions. It is quite possible that we would be served exceedingly well if we placed these people in ambassadorial and foreign relations positions. Their salesmanship, networking and debating skills (read: deception and coercion) could be used to negotiate gainfully with foreign countries. Instead we’ve placed them in a position where they must use their skills against their own populace in an endless popularity contest where they vie for and handout various important positions like so many prizes. Of course they do manage to run the government while doing their political ‘thing’, but let’s face it, that’s only a part of their job and probably the boring part compared to all the other things politicians do. One question you might ask is, which is harder, performing the duties of a ministerial or cabinet posting or gaining and maintaining the position of party leader. Another you might ask is, what are the crossover skills between the two jobs. Does democracy require popularity contests? Do you find your views effectively expressed by a party? Should vote on our favourite party or person and then give them years to interpret our wants and needs as they see fit? It may be that voting on individuals is not the answer; instead we should be voting on how to proceed with each individual issue. There is still a future for the politician of today although it probably isn’t with the government. It is apparent that the public will is inadequately represented when a party or person is given a position of power. People in power tend to legislate themselves more powers until personal initiative is the rule and not the exception. At this point representation has broken down, broken campaign promises tops 50% and dubious pet-projects fill the term. Just before the next election a very public fulfillment of some of the original campaign promises with a bevy of new promises in tow, and a hefty tax bribe/kickback seal a dirty deal for a second term. The only option is to switch parties which means a different set of broken promises and a different group of people utilizing personal initiative on their own agenda while employed by the government. It is quite obvious that if we are to make any significant changes in government then we must remove the first stumbling block on the road to democracy and fair and equal representation, namely the politician. It will be a difficult separation at first, we are fond of our celebrities, but don't shed a tear to soon because I imagine the same faces will turn up on the airways as lobbyists employed by public influence companies who will offer their services to private/special interests. Public influence company may sound Orwellian but it's just another clearer word for advertising agency and would certainly be more transparent than backdoor lobbying with politicians.
Now that we've gotten rid of the preening politicians it behooves us to make changes in the way government operates in order to salvage all of the benefits of their departure and to lay framework upon which the new system can representationaly define itself. The new system should be almost infinitely accountable to the individual citizen, with very few exceptions. A good place to start would be to open the 'books', publish a full financial statement as would be available to a CEO or controlling-share holder in a company. This is our country is it not? If it was our company we would see the financial statements, we could help decide how to make or save money. That is exactly one of the changes we will have to make in our new government, we need to know everything it does and the cost of doing those things if we are to make informed proposals and vote effectively. Gone are the days of an ignorant and uneducated population waiting for a grandfatherly ruler to find some insight to change their lives. The current adult population of Canada is, by a vast majority, very informed, media savvy, globally conscious and able to use a simple computer interface (which will prove to be fiscally essential to the operation of the new government). The current voting system in Canada is so expensive that it actually precludes effective use, the new system will eliminate the costs while improving availability and convenience. Citizens will login to the government intranet through an internet enabled terminal or through free terminals in government building waiting rooms (a perfect moment to reflect on government issues). Citizens will use their SIN I.D and a password to gain access to various government services, vote, write proposals and view files, records, proposals and statistics. Two new arms must be attached to this government in a form resembling subsidiary companies. These subsidiary governments will apply to the central government in the form of proposals for their budget and mandate and will make full financial disclosures. These two arms will be the military and police government and by their nature must remain meritocracies, with their highest ranking officers being subject and answerable to the central government. These two services will be available to support successful proposals (directives) while working on their current mandates. The soldiers and police will probably feel more comfortable and righteous in their actions knowing that every law they are enforcing and every mission they’re on has been voted on and ratified by the majority of the voting population of Canada. Clarity of mission and mandate is no small thing in dangerous situations. Within the central government many things would remain the same with the same bureaucracy in place to do the day to day work and staff the government offices. Only the top tier would be modified, that former realm of the politician. Formerly ministerial and governmentally appointed positions would now be evaluated for their requirements and then posted for job applications. Until such time as all things are representationaly modified a suitable system for hiring government facilitators might proceed as follows. Applications would be sorted for suitability then arranged in order of merit. The top ‘x’ number of applications would then be given to the police government for national and international vetting. The returned list of vetted applicants would be retained and added to as time goes by. From this list, of perfectly suited candidates, one person would be randomly chosen to fill the position thus rendering all human influences, from idolatry to intrigue, moot. They would continue in that position making quarterly financial reports while actively undertaking the government directives that are the domain of or even partially related to their office until such time as they are relieved of their duties by the electorate or voluntarily give notice of retirement. Pensions should be based on number of years served with violators of office receiving no pension. In the new government misappropriation of funds would be a criminal violation along with favouritism, cronyism, and a host of abhorrent practices that we take for granted today. We’ve gotten rid of the politicians now we have to make sure the facilitators don’t fall into the same traps.
So, we have our triad government with the military and police wings acting as the right and left hands of the central government which could properly be described as the mind of the whole. We also have an entire governmental machine in place with all the employees, managers, facilities and systems in place to carry out the directives of the, now, non-existent politicians. These more than capable employees will now work in concert under the supervision of facilitators completing the assignments deemed necessary in order to achieve their government directives. AS we have likened the central government to a mind or, more appropriately, will of the government body so we might liken the facilitators to a brain of the government and rightly they would be some of the most intelligent citizens of Canada (excepting those to intelligent to get involved at all).All the actions and expenses of the facilitators and their office will be transparent and available for scrutiny by the electorate.
Who is the electorate and how do they get the government to do their will? The electorate is every voting age citizen of the country, in effect the owners of the country (well… who else does it belong to, big business, foreign interests, the IMF?...). The influence machine that is in place will always be there but now it will have to schmooze and bribe the public directly. It will use popular media and former politicians to sway the public in it’s own interests but at least someone else will be paying their wages. The government facilitators, on the other hand, will be doing nothing but completing the directives of the electorate.
How does the electorate develop, agree upon, and convey these directives? Why, through the Gov-net of course, a vast multi-computer storehouse of information and computing superpower. The virtual middleman between the electorate and the offices of the facilitators. On the Gov-net the electorate will log in and then be able to view all the operations and expenses of each office. They will be able to read government statistics, accomplishments and goals. The user can read and vote on proposals as well as write and submit their own. A proposal would remain open until a percentage of the population has shown interest by voting and would then proceed to final voting where a time limit for decision would be imposed. Proposals showing insufficient interest would be considered not pertinent and might be submitted at the provincial or municipal level. Proposals from the other two tiers of government or from facilitators themselves will become pertinent immediately and will be flagged for special attention by the electorate. This may be seen as a special dispensation and is open to myriad forms of abuse and should be the most scrutinized of tools lest it be misused. Upon electoral ratification a successful proposal would be delivered to the appropriate facilitating offices where they would be evaluated and given an implementation timeframe. This would be representation, this would be Democracy!
People live within the social structures that they are prepared for. Despots rule where people are unable or unwilling to strive for more representational forms of government. Here in Canada we have achieved the level of social state with capitalist values, should we now rest on our laurels, waiting for the US, Russia and third world countries to catch up, or should we forge ahead as our nature, nurture and abilities dictate? If we do naught then we must admit to being at our peak or in utter stagnation. The latter must be true because everything under the sun can be improved on, ad-infinitum. So, if improvement is our destiny then how can we improve on our present government? A good way to start might be to list what we don't like about our current government then try to solve each item on our list either individually or in groups of items. One thing that a government must do, every government MUST do with continually greater efficiency, is represent it's people! That's what it's all about, and if we continue to strive we must eventually have true democracy where every citizens thoughts carry equal weight and all aspects of government and society are ratified by the populace. This will remain true to the extent and duration to which we involve ourselves in the governing of out country. Thus, you get the government you deserve and I think we deserve better. What don’t we like about government? Politics and politicians. Most of our disapproval can be laid squarely on the backs of the people who ' work' as politicians. Thos maneuvering peacocks and jackdaws who are better suited to their political popularity contests than the complex requirements of their office. I want my finance minister to have degrees in economics, to be a whiz at math and be able to think outside the box, but first he has to look good. This same potential finance minister will also need a stage presence, good diction, a clean bright smile, a firm handshake, the right connections and a long affiliation with a political party. If this same guy keeps his head down and toes the party line for a couple of terms he might be in a political position to make a difference. It's no wonder that government is filled with people who are good at politicking and rather short of people with governing skills. The researchers, mathematicians, economists and humanists in our midst have much more rewarding things to do with their lives than get involved in politics. They may all have great ideas that we might have benefited from, they may have truly wanted to help govern and change things, but they are unwilling to lose their lives to the miasma of politics. One kind of person seems to move easily through politics continually reaching the top and taking a disproportionate number of important positions, often the most important positions. Thus we get a government slanted in the favour of this personality, a government that reflects, nay, has the character of this personality that is predominant in its members. The fast talking, witty, aggressive smart-ass businessman/lawyer that could sell a vacuum to a man with a dirt floor is what politicians are or strive to be, with few exceptions. It is quite possible that we would be served exceedingly well if we placed these people in ambassadorial and foreign relations positions. Their salesmanship, networking and debating skills (read: deception and coercion) could be used to negotiate gainfully with foreign countries. Instead we’ve placed them in a position where they must use their skills against their own populace in an endless popularity contest where they vie for and handout various important positions like so many prizes. Of course they do manage to run the government while doing their political ‘thing’, but let’s face it, that’s only a part of their job and probably the boring part compared to all the other things politicians do. One question you might ask is, which is harder, performing the duties of a ministerial or cabinet posting or gaining and maintaining the position of party leader. Another you might ask is, what are the crossover skills between the two jobs. Does democracy require popularity contests? Do you find your views effectively expressed by a party? Should vote on our favourite party or person and then give them years to interpret our wants and needs as they see fit? It may be that voting on individuals is not the answer; instead we should be voting on how to proceed with each individual issue. There is still a future for the politician of today although it probably isn’t with the government. It is apparent that the public will is inadequately represented when a party or person is given a position of power. People in power tend to legislate themselves more powers until personal initiative is the rule and not the exception. At this point representation has broken down, broken campaign promises tops 50% and dubious pet-projects fill the term. Just before the next election a very public fulfillment of some of the original campaign promises with a bevy of new promises in tow, and a hefty tax bribe/kickback seal a dirty deal for a second term. The only option is to switch parties which means a different set of broken promises and a different group of people utilizing personal initiative on their own agenda while employed by the government. It is quite obvious that if we are to make any significant changes in government then we must remove the first stumbling block on the road to democracy and fair and equal representation, namely the politician. It will be a difficult separation at first, we are fond of our celebrities, but don't shed a tear to soon because I imagine the same faces will turn up on the airways as lobbyists employed by public influence companies who will offer their services to private/special interests. Public influence company may sound Orwellian but it's just another clearer word for advertising agency and would certainly be more transparent than backdoor lobbying with politicians.
Now that we've gotten rid of the preening politicians it behooves us to make changes in the way government operates in order to salvage all of the benefits of their departure and to lay framework upon which the new system can representationaly define itself. The new system should be almost infinitely accountable to the individual citizen, with very few exceptions. A good place to start would be to open the 'books', publish a full financial statement as would be available to a CEO or controlling-share holder in a company. This is our country is it not? If it was our company we would see the financial statements, we could help decide how to make or save money. That is exactly one of the changes we will have to make in our new government, we need to know everything it does and the cost of doing those things if we are to make informed proposals and vote effectively. Gone are the days of an ignorant and uneducated population waiting for a grandfatherly ruler to find some insight to change their lives. The current adult population of Canada is, by a vast majority, very informed, media savvy, globally conscious and able to use a simple computer interface (which will prove to be fiscally essential to the operation of the new government). The current voting system in Canada is so expensive that it actually precludes effective use, the new system will eliminate the costs while improving availability and convenience. Citizens will login to the government intranet through an internet enabled terminal or through free terminals in government building waiting rooms (a perfect moment to reflect on government issues). Citizens will use their SIN I.D and a password to gain access to various government services, vote, write proposals and view files, records, proposals and statistics. Two new arms must be attached to this government in a form resembling subsidiary companies. These subsidiary governments will apply to the central government in the form of proposals for their budget and mandate and will make full financial disclosures. These two arms will be the military and police government and by their nature must remain meritocracies, with their highest ranking officers being subject and answerable to the central government. These two services will be available to support successful proposals (directives) while working on their current mandates. The soldiers and police will probably feel more comfortable and righteous in their actions knowing that every law they are enforcing and every mission they’re on has been voted on and ratified by the majority of the voting population of Canada. Clarity of mission and mandate is no small thing in dangerous situations. Within the central government many things would remain the same with the same bureaucracy in place to do the day to day work and staff the government offices. Only the top tier would be modified, that former realm of the politician. Formerly ministerial and governmentally appointed positions would now be evaluated for their requirements and then posted for job applications. Until such time as all things are representationaly modified a suitable system for hiring government facilitators might proceed as follows. Applications would be sorted for suitability then arranged in order of merit. The top ‘x’ number of applications would then be given to the police government for national and international vetting. The returned list of vetted applicants would be retained and added to as time goes by. From this list, of perfectly suited candidates, one person would be randomly chosen to fill the position thus rendering all human influences, from idolatry to intrigue, moot. They would continue in that position making quarterly financial reports while actively undertaking the government directives that are the domain of or even partially related to their office until such time as they are relieved of their duties by the electorate or voluntarily give notice of retirement. Pensions should be based on number of years served with violators of office receiving no pension. In the new government misappropriation of funds would be a criminal violation along with favouritism, cronyism, and a host of abhorrent practices that we take for granted today. We’ve gotten rid of the politicians now we have to make sure the facilitators don’t fall into the same traps.
So, we have our triad government with the military and police wings acting as the right and left hands of the central government which could properly be described as the mind of the whole. We also have an entire governmental machine in place with all the employees, managers, facilities and systems in place to carry out the directives of the, now, non-existent politicians. These more than capable employees will now work in concert under the supervision of facilitators completing the assignments deemed necessary in order to achieve their government directives. AS we have likened the central government to a mind or, more appropriately, will of the government body so we might liken the facilitators to a brain of the government and rightly they would be some of the most intelligent citizens of Canada (excepting those to intelligent to get involved at all).All the actions and expenses of the facilitators and their office will be transparent and available for scrutiny by the electorate.
Who is the electorate and how do they get the government to do their will? The electorate is every voting age citizen of the country, in effect the owners of the country (well… who else does it belong to, big business, foreign interests, the IMF?...). The influence machine that is in place will always be there but now it will have to schmooze and bribe the public directly. It will use popular media and former politicians to sway the public in it’s own interests but at least someone else will be paying their wages. The government facilitators, on the other hand, will be doing nothing but completing the directives of the electorate.
How does the electorate develop, agree upon, and convey these directives? Why, through the Gov-net of course, a vast multi-computer storehouse of information and computing superpower. The virtual middleman between the electorate and the offices of the facilitators. On the Gov-net the electorate will log in and then be able to view all the operations and expenses of each office. They will be able to read government statistics, accomplishments and goals. The user can read and vote on proposals as well as write and submit their own. A proposal would remain open until a percentage of the population has shown interest by voting and would then proceed to final voting where a time limit for decision would be imposed. Proposals showing insufficient interest would be considered not pertinent and might be submitted at the provincial or municipal level. Proposals from the other two tiers of government or from facilitators themselves will become pertinent immediately and will be flagged for special attention by the electorate. This may be seen as a special dispensation and is open to myriad forms of abuse and should be the most scrutinized of tools lest it be misused. Upon electoral ratification a successful proposal would be delivered to the appropriate facilitating offices where they would be evaluated and given an implementation timeframe. This would be representation, this would be Democracy!
Plate Techtonics
Comets were much more common in the solar system but their affinity for the sun has dwindled their numbers. Each time that a comet passed through the earths ecliptic plane it would leave behind a discharged trail of ice crystals. As the earth passed through this trail, on it's journey around the sun, it would sweep up these crystals which would susequently rain out as water for upwards of a month or two. As the weight of the dense water increased in the basins the rock on land would be thrust upward until the weight was distributed equally. This is the reason we have aquatic fossils on mountaintops, a spreading seafloor, and continental drift, it is also part of the reason why the earth is expanding. In the folklore and history of many nations lies a story of a great deluge, not least of which is the story of Noah. Many 'scholars' scoff at the idea claiming there is no mechanism by which such might happen naturally yet here I am to give you just such a mechanism. The idea that the Earth might pass through the wake of a comet is not a possibility, nor is it a probability but in fact it is virtually imperative that it do so many, many times over throughout it's history. When people ask me if the great flood really happened I might answer 'which one?'.
Climate change?
Whatever happened to the hole in the ozone layer, you don't hear about it anymore, why?
Well, it turns out that the hole is getting smaller, and sooner than it should have. It seems we have too little understanding of the high energy physics that goes on in the ionosphere. No problem, the people who introduced you to the ozone layer(see below)now bring you 'climate change'. Formerly it was known as 'global warming' but that was to specific and easily disproven, 'global climat change' on the other hand, is semantically designed to resist intelligent assault. But let me try anyway.
If you can say anything, universally true, about the weather it would be that it is in a constant state of change. The weather changes not just by the month or season, but it varies over the years, decades, centuries and millenia.
We know that, just a brief 8-10 thousand years ago, the earth emerged from a cataclysmic reoccuring ice age and today it's covered in deserts. On a cosmic timescale the earth is a turbulent shifting landscape of violent climate change and far from a state of equilibrium. In a few thousand years, give or take a thousand, the earth will revert to it's former ice-ball and the equatorial deserts will be green again. The change to an ice-age would be rather abrupt, from a year to a decade, followed by a slow warming over the next 20 to 30 thousand years, after which the cycle repeats itself.
The dates are approximations but the reality is indisputable, the earth suffers from catastrophic climate change which will wipe out most of the civilizations on earth.
We view our problems through the ego-centric window of a short lifespan and see only the rising temperatures while we pose as the responsible parties. The understanding of and solution to the problem hinges on multi-generational thinking and co-operation. Climate change is not some new bogeyman but an old one who has snuck up and killed us a hundred times yet noone has found a way to beat him yet. It's time we found a new paradigm like, 'climate control' but on a global scale, time to man-up and play earth ball, if we don't tame and control our planet it will be the death of us.
The people in power are dupes to money, people with money fund scientific research and that research proves what they want it to prove or it doesn't get funded.
Did you know that companies which produce CFC's funded the research that claimed CFC's were harming the ozone layer. Why would they do that, wouldn't that be cutting their own throats? Were the CEO's of these companies caught in an altruistic fervor that made them seek out any damage their product might have caused and publicly expose their companies at the risk of possible litigation? Who are these brave people who seem to have risked their livelyhoods by getting their patented CFC products banned.
It turns out that the patent was about to run out and anybody would be able to legally manufacture CFC's. At that time 60% of worldwide CFC production was handled by just 4 companies that stood to lose future fortunes when their patents and monopolies ran out.
It's a good thing for them that they had aquired all the patents on possible replacements for CFC's beforehand. Foresight or manipulation?...It's easy to judge after the fact but the trick is figuring out you're being used before legislation is written and your pockets are emptied.
We see the same sort of flim/flam operation in the anti-global warming camp. Carbon taxing, for instance, costs the consumer more money, when companies reach their carbon limit they can use some of that money to buy carbon credits from companies that haven't reached their limit. Sounds like companies sharing profits, I wonder how you join their select group, I'd love to sell a carbon credit myself but I doubt I'd be doing the planet any good and neither are they.
Do I want to stop global warming?
I don't have enough data to answer that question, that's not a cop out, it's a fact, let me explain why. Global warming is currently not as dire a threat as a global ice-age. We don't know if global warming causes an ice-age or is preventing one, by some estimates the ice-age should have already started. We haven't pooled and evaluated enough scientific information to make such, potentially, earth shattering decisions.
What is obvious to me is that one day we will have to take control of earth's environment and cure the conditions that keep killing off it's inhabitants. I know that there are tree-huggers out there that believe if we simply used less technology and let mother-nature take her course everything would be alright. I wonder if they would feel the same if it were their bodies suffering a life-threatening condition, would they prefer that nature simply take her course with them?
Well, it turns out that the hole is getting smaller, and sooner than it should have. It seems we have too little understanding of the high energy physics that goes on in the ionosphere. No problem, the people who introduced you to the ozone layer(see below)now bring you 'climate change'. Formerly it was known as 'global warming' but that was to specific and easily disproven, 'global climat change' on the other hand, is semantically designed to resist intelligent assault. But let me try anyway.
If you can say anything, universally true, about the weather it would be that it is in a constant state of change. The weather changes not just by the month or season, but it varies over the years, decades, centuries and millenia.
We know that, just a brief 8-10 thousand years ago, the earth emerged from a cataclysmic reoccuring ice age and today it's covered in deserts. On a cosmic timescale the earth is a turbulent shifting landscape of violent climate change and far from a state of equilibrium. In a few thousand years, give or take a thousand, the earth will revert to it's former ice-ball and the equatorial deserts will be green again. The change to an ice-age would be rather abrupt, from a year to a decade, followed by a slow warming over the next 20 to 30 thousand years, after which the cycle repeats itself.
The dates are approximations but the reality is indisputable, the earth suffers from catastrophic climate change which will wipe out most of the civilizations on earth.
We view our problems through the ego-centric window of a short lifespan and see only the rising temperatures while we pose as the responsible parties. The understanding of and solution to the problem hinges on multi-generational thinking and co-operation. Climate change is not some new bogeyman but an old one who has snuck up and killed us a hundred times yet noone has found a way to beat him yet. It's time we found a new paradigm like, 'climate control' but on a global scale, time to man-up and play earth ball, if we don't tame and control our planet it will be the death of us.
The people in power are dupes to money, people with money fund scientific research and that research proves what they want it to prove or it doesn't get funded.
Did you know that companies which produce CFC's funded the research that claimed CFC's were harming the ozone layer. Why would they do that, wouldn't that be cutting their own throats? Were the CEO's of these companies caught in an altruistic fervor that made them seek out any damage their product might have caused and publicly expose their companies at the risk of possible litigation? Who are these brave people who seem to have risked their livelyhoods by getting their patented CFC products banned.
It turns out that the patent was about to run out and anybody would be able to legally manufacture CFC's. At that time 60% of worldwide CFC production was handled by just 4 companies that stood to lose future fortunes when their patents and monopolies ran out.
It's a good thing for them that they had aquired all the patents on possible replacements for CFC's beforehand. Foresight or manipulation?...It's easy to judge after the fact but the trick is figuring out you're being used before legislation is written and your pockets are emptied.
We see the same sort of flim/flam operation in the anti-global warming camp. Carbon taxing, for instance, costs the consumer more money, when companies reach their carbon limit they can use some of that money to buy carbon credits from companies that haven't reached their limit. Sounds like companies sharing profits, I wonder how you join their select group, I'd love to sell a carbon credit myself but I doubt I'd be doing the planet any good and neither are they.
Do I want to stop global warming?
I don't have enough data to answer that question, that's not a cop out, it's a fact, let me explain why. Global warming is currently not as dire a threat as a global ice-age. We don't know if global warming causes an ice-age or is preventing one, by some estimates the ice-age should have already started. We haven't pooled and evaluated enough scientific information to make such, potentially, earth shattering decisions.
What is obvious to me is that one day we will have to take control of earth's environment and cure the conditions that keep killing off it's inhabitants. I know that there are tree-huggers out there that believe if we simply used less technology and let mother-nature take her course everything would be alright. I wonder if they would feel the same if it were their bodies suffering a life-threatening condition, would they prefer that nature simply take her course with them?
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